everything #2

In 2010, the international contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan and curators Massimiliano Gioni and Cecilia Alemani invited The Museum of Everything to take part in No Soul For Sale as part of the 10th Anniversary celebrations at Tate Modern. The museum decided to stage Exhibition #2, an open call to Britain’s unexhibited, unskilled and unintentional artists to have their work curated in the greatest museum in the land. Over 200 works were selected by a panel of leading artists, curators and writers, including Ron Arad, Stuart Haygarth, Iwona Blazwick, Charles Avery, Jeff Macmillan and Michael Morris. The works of were displayed on the museum’s custom-built communist red block in the heart of the Turbine Hall and seen by over 1000 people. This 500 unit limited edition tome is a document of that project, of the creative energy lurking in every nook and cranny of the United Kingdom.