cardholder of everything

The Museum of Everything was travelling to work the other day when the train got stuck in a tunnel. There was a blind man standing next to us with his dog, Sparky, and he was fingering a braille Oyster Card holder. That’s clever, we thought, so we looked into it to see if we could make one for our dozen or so blind patrons. We then decided it might be a bit of a luxury item since the run had to be 1,000 and so we gave up and made this one instead, not for the blind, but it is for the deaf, and anyone in fact, with an Oyster, Clam, Scallop or Haddock Card which needs a home. It is made of 100% durable plastic and will survive the next nuclear meltdown unless you work in the plant. It also includes a lifetime membership to The Museum of Everything, which is bad at any price.